Yin Yang
In the canvas of life, a dance unfolds.
A Ying Yang, where opposites entwined.
Fire and air, war and peace, stillness, and action.
In eternal balance, a harmony's reaction.
The flames of conflict, a fierce and fiery rage.
Air that stirs the embers, a gentle yet strong stage.
Stillness, a pause, where the world stands still.
Action, a movement, where the dance begins to fill.
In this back and forth, a completeness sought.
A refined recipe, where opposites are brought.
One mixed with the other, a harmony's birth.
A balance found, where the dance takes its first breath.
The Ying Yang, a symbol, of the eternal quest.
For balance and harmony, in the world's unrest.
A reminder that opposites, in harmony reside.
In the dance of life, where the balance is inside.
So let the flames of conflict, stir the air of peace.
And let the stillness of calm, be the action's release.
For in this eternal dance, a completeness is found.
Where the Ying Yang, forever, the balance has won.

Alexa Genoyer Aguila
Also Made From
Alexa Genoyer Aguila