Tender Rajasthan
Emotions are vibes that pass through our frame.
Vibrating to the sound of our story's name.
Certain places trigger storms of sound.
Melodies, waltzes, where feelings are found.
Colors express what words often miss.
Emotions in paintings, a secretive kiss.
Rajasthan's trip made me waltz with grace.
Sensual waves in a tender embrace.
A mother's look, so stealthy, so pure.
Caught in an alley, her love's allure.
Devoid of riches, yet so grand.
The simplest treasure, the breast in her hand.
In Rajasthan's warmth, where stories blend.
Tenderness and love, no need to pretend.
Emotions waltz and waves softly roll.
Touching the deepest parts of our soul.

about the artist
Alexa Genoyer Aguila
As an artist, I am inspired by beauty and harmony in Architecture and Nature, exploring colors. I love faces of the world. I take many pictures and sometimes one inspires me to take my brushes. I think my special pattern is the automatic writing, calligraphy, and the window representations. The use of collage in my paintings came over time. As I get bored easily, I like to explore different ways. But I’m consistent with acrylic even though I like painting on silk, working with my fingers with dry pastels also.
Also Made From
Alexa Genoyer Aguila