In a field of M's, aligned in lines.
A goddess plays, her heart combines.
With melodies of ancient lore.
Her music sings forevermore.
A swan glides gently, soft, and pure.
A symbol of the soul's allure.
While at her side, a peacock grand.
With feathers bright, a mystic stand.
Mmm, the sound of soul's delight.
Music's magic in the night.
Murmurs of a timeless tale.
Mysteries that will prevail.
Majesty in every note.
Mesmerizing as they float.
Moonlight casts a silver hue.
Merging dreams with what is true.
Mirrors of a world unseen.
Moments caught in tones serene.
Melodies that whisper grace.
Magic flows in every space.

about the artist
Alexa Genoyer Aguila
As an artist, I am inspired by beauty and harmony in Architecture and Nature, exploring colors. I love faces of the world. I take many pictures and sometimes one inspires me to take my brushes. I think my special pattern is the automatic writing, calligraphy, and the window representations. The use of collage in my paintings came over time. As I get bored easily, I like to explore different ways. But I’m consistent with acrylic even though I like painting on silk, working with my fingers with dry pastels also.
Also Made From
Alexa Genoyer Aguila