Elephant Warriors

Elephant Warriors


And if we sent forth elephants, to play the game of war.

Their mighty tusks and playful hearts, what battles lie in store?

If wars were fought with lines and squares on fields of lace and wild.

Patterns of a gentler world, where peace is reconciled.

Between the hues of vivid dreams, in colors bright and bold.

The clash of shades, not swords or guns, a story to be told.

What if wars were painted scenes, not battles fierce and loud?

An artful dance of elegance, beneath a peaceful cloud.

If wars were not as interesting, as history might claim.

Would we still repeat the strife, and feed the endless flame?

Perhaps in games of vibrant hues, we'd find a truer end.

Where wars are but forgotten plays, and harmony's our friend.

In visions where the elephants, with gentle steps engage.

No blood is spilled, no lives are lost, no fury to enrage.

A world where conflicts softly fade, in colors intertwined.

A tapestry of unity, with love and peace combined.

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YEAR: 2015


SIZE: 80x60cm


about the artist

Alexa Genoyer Aguila

As an artist, I am inspired by beauty and harmony in Architecture and Nature, exploring colors. I love faces of the world. I take many pictures and sometimes one inspires me to take my brushes. I think my special pattern is the automatic writing, calligraphy, and the window representations. The use of collage in my paintings came over time. As I get bored easily, I like to explore different ways. But I’m consistent with acrylic even though I like painting on silk, working with my fingers with dry pastels also.

Also Made From
Alexa Genoyer Aguila