Puzzled Mind
Everything you think, believe and do is a learned behavior. As a child, you learned by observing and doing. You then added your own meaning and perspective into the mix, and that became your mindset and belief system. The biggest mindset problem we have today is that most people fail to take into consideration the fact that their mindset and behavior was learned from a child's perspective. It was also rarely questioned or altered as they aged.

Defina Sumardji
Defina Sumardji is a self-taught artist and graphic designer who brings passion and personality to every bit of work she touches. She uses art to exercise non-attachment, explore & express her voice, and play with paint. Her work of art has evolved for over a decade, exploring all styles, mediums, and tools she can think of to express her emotions till she found line art and intuitive painting as most helped on her growth and well-being. She believes that creativity is fundamental to h...
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Defina Sumardji