Bits And Pieces
We can be walking around in this world, with bits and pieces of our souls scattered in different time loops and space cracks. You feel like you are always looking for yourself, because you actually are always looking for yourself! You're always looking for those bits and pieces of you. You've got to sit down and remember where you left them at. You've got to quiet the noise and go back to those loops in time and cracks in space that you forgot about and you need to understand yourself in those moments, and embrace yourself. And maybe even embrace those who were around you, with you. That's how you get those pieces back, that's how you sew them back into you.

Defina Sumardji
Defina Sumardji is a self-taught artist and graphic designer who brings passion and personality to every bit of work she touches. She uses art to exercise non-attachment, explore & express her voice, and play with paint. Her work of art has evolved for over a decade, exploring all styles, mediums, and tools she can think of to express her emotions till she found line art and intuitive painting as most helped on her growth and well-being. She believes that creativity is fundamental to h...
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Defina Sumardji