Mepeed (balinese ritual)
Mepeed in Hinduism in Bali is always celebrated simultaneously with a community organization called Banjar. Such as organization shows the closeness among fellow Hinduists. In this painting we can see that they are headed to the temple to attend the religious ceremony. This painting visualizes the citizens in Bali who are celebrating mepeed.

Adi Sumarjaya
I Made Adi Sumarjaya is a realist painter from Batuan Village Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali. His paintings revolved around the Balinese culture and his surroundings. In one of his paintings from the series of ""Perjalanan Diri""/One's Journey, he depicts a Balinese vendor selling souvenirs along Kuta Beach. Here, he tries to tell the audience that a souvenir vendor is one of the livelihoods which is common in Bali. Through this interpretation and depiction of rich Balinese ...
Also Made From
Adi Sumarjaya