Horse Drawn Carriage
Dokar is a traditional transportation from the ancient time. It uses a horse that pulls the passangers and the rider. This painting portrays a dokar and the statue of a catur muka (one body with four faces).

about the artist
Adi Sumarjaya
I Made Adi Sumarjaya is a realist painter from Batuan Village Sukawati, Gianyar, Bali. His paintings revolved around the Balinese culture and his surroundings. In one of his paintings from the series of ""Perjalanan Diri""/One's Journey, he depicts a Balinese vendor selling souvenirs along Kuta Beach. Here, he tries to tell the audience that a souvenir vendor is one of the livelihoods which is common in Bali. Through this interpretation and depiction of rich Balinese ...
Also Made From
Adi Sumarjaya