Can I Eat Them?
In this artwork, I depict my cat’s habit of enjoying various types of fruit, particularly watermelon. While cats are carnivores by nature and do not require plant-based foods, some cats, like mine, are curious and are interested in eating fruit. However, cat owners need to know that while cats can eat certain fruits, they should only be in small quantities or as a snack, not as a primary food source. Excessive consumption can lead to health issues. For instance, watermelon can be given as a snack to help quench their thirst, provide additional fluids, and supply vitamin C. However, if consumed in large amounts, it can cause stomach problems, including diarrhea, and the fruit’s sugar content can lead to diabetes. Therefore, cat owners must be cautious and responsible in monitoring and limiting their cats’ consumption.

Rozaana Afifah
Rozaana Afifah from Trenggalek, East Java, is inspired by her parents and defines success as growing artistically while reaching a wider audience. Art enhances her creativity in all aspects of life. She experiments with new tools and media to keep improving. Her dream is to promote art in her region and engage youth in exhibitions. Her latest works, inspired by her pet cat, aim to raise awareness about animal exploitation. She looks forward to broader exposure through LucyDream Art a...
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Rozaana Afifah