Limit Of Feeling #2
In a relationship, when talking about "feelings", sometimes it is tough to express each other—for example, the relationship between parents and children. As a child, expressing how much you miss your parents is challenging. Likewise, it is difficult for parents to express their longing for their children. So, sometimes, this causes conflict in a relationship. Feelings don't always have to be expressed. This can be realized through actions such as gaze, gestures, attitudes, etc. This work is realized through color, texture, and text.

Helmi Fuadi
Helmi Fuadi was born in Banyuwangi, East Java, and now based in Yogyakarta, the artist draws inspiration from the city’s rich art culture. Influenced by Mark Bradford, he believes success comes from fearless creativity. In addition to his art, he works as an educator, using workshops to connect with children. His style blends abstract and contemporary, often using collage techniques inspired by urban textures and posters. He values collaborations and is currently planning a duo exhibition....
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Helmi Fuadi