Swans Shit Talk
This visual is one of the most memorable sights in my mind. I still vividly remember how a friend, who was a model, screamed hysterically because two swans were intimidating her, whispering dramatically. It's fascinating how two birds can conquer the most evolved creatures with their vocals and wing flaps.

Petrus Yopa Adiel
Yogyakarta based artist and part time living in Bali, Petrus Yopa Adiel was born in July 1997, and has been honing his drawing since childhood, inheriting his father's talent, and started to intensively paint since high school. Yopa specializes in watercolor paintings, sketch, and digital paintings, each with his own different unique art styles, which makes his artworks so rich of characters, yet so fluid, that can fit in so many necessities.
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Petrus Yopa Adiel