This painting is related to two other works. This series consists of three works, namely "Young Full Of Love", "Skenaboy", and "The Power Of Aura". I want to present a person's search for one's identity that always wants to be seen and needs recognition from others. The work, "Young Full of Love", is one of the visuals where a confession of love for someone wants to be seen in the eyes of others. Meanwhile, the work "Skenaboy" presents the love of traveling with other people and following whatever phenomena happen in these relationships. Meanwhile, "The Power Of Aura" wants to explain a person's vibrations towards other people or living creatures around them. The symbol of a balloon is trying to hold something in but can also show readiness to release it. From some literature, letting go is letting go of the bad past and being ready to face the present, which should be lived better. Apart from that, the released balloon means hope. I interpret 'fomo' (fear of missing out) in this series as something positive. I realize that the world continues to move on, time continues to turn around, times have changed and we must continue to improve for a beautiful future.

Don Bosco Laskar
Don Bosco Laskar Betelgusa is an artist from Yogyakarta, a city deeply rooted in the arts, this individual’s creative journey has been heavily influenced by his artistic environment. He defines success as creating art with honesty, consistency, and passion, finding fulfillment when others appreciate their work. His creative process involves constant experimentation, inspired by curiosity, daily life, and visual exploration. His dream is to hold solo exhibitions and c...
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Don Bosco Laskar