Rider Of The Horse Of Destruction
This painting consists of four canvases fused into one. Each canvas depicts a piece of me inspired by a biblical story, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse: Conquest, War, Hunger, and Death. I would like to tell the audience that everyone is afraid of many things, and these things are always considered negative and sometimes unrevealed. If we understand what destroys us, we can quickly leave the wrong path and won’t be afraid to choose the right one.

Geofanny Tambunan
Geofanny Tambunan is an Indonesian artist originally from Jakarta, now based in Bali, where he found the inspiration he lacked in his hometown. Influenced by Salvador Dali and James Jean, he blends Surrealism and Pop Art in his work. Creating art as an emotional outlet, he defines success by effectively communicating stories through exhibitions and major art fairs. His journey in art has been therapeutic, aiding his recovery from depression. His best-known piece, Mela...
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Geofanny Tambunan