Fighting Corona By Sunbathing
Activities in society, whether outdoor or indoor activities. These used to be done peacefully and freely. But when corona emerged, the activities of humans were limited and significantly changed in a split second, even for simple things like not being able to shake hands. They had to wear a mask. They had to wash their hands as often as possible. They spent most of their time at home. They sunbathed. Sunbathing is supposed to be an effective way to ignite the fire of life. Plus, Indonesia is exposed to lots of sunlight.

Teguh Ritma Iman
Teguh Ritma Iman is a Bali-based artist who is a graduate of the Institute of Arts Indonesia (ISI), Yogyakarta. He's known for his expressionist decorative paintings. He claims that his biggest artistic influence would be his father, who was also an artist. Iman's father was the one who encouraged and guided Iman every step of the way in his artistic journey. When Iman was a kid, he enjoyed watching his father paint. He would join, whether to doodle or to draw. Iman appreciates the vastnes...
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Teguh Ritma Iman