Graceful Movement
The meaning of life is movement. Not momentum, not progress or not pacing. It's not distance travelled. It is simply movement. The point is, if we are alive, we keep doing it what we need to do it. But in any journey, with any form of movement — whether linear or looping, condensed or protracted like a music -- that is the foundation of our being alive.

Ijal Mariachi
Rijal Alviansyah, also known as Ijal Mariachi, is a Ball- based artist hailing from Probolinggo, East Java, Born and raised in the Island of the Gods, Ijal used to work as a graphic designer before focusing on his career as a full time artist. The themes of his paintings include contemporary, surrealism, and pop art. Ijal is known for his characteristics of style and color. For instance, the skin color of the characters in his paintings is pink, making his style exceptional. In his series ...
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Ijal Mariachi