Bumantara means space. "(When I miss you) I will stop on the veranda of the garden of dreams" is a sentence spoken when experiencing a longing for a figure who can no longer be in direct contact with the real world. Inner attachment is the starting point for awakening the subconscious. Dreams as a medium for cross-dimensional meetings are the only way to treat feelings of longing, even though they come erratically. Space is a place of eternal existence.

Arief Dhiyaurrahman
Arief Dhiyaurrahman is from South Tangerang, draws inspiration from suburban life and childhood memories. Influenced by Indonesian artists like Nyoman Masriadi and animated films, he defines success as inspiring others through his work. Formally trained in painting, he works independently and aspires to hold a solo exhibition on romantic themes. A key piece, "Tunggangan dan Tanggungan," was created during his college years, exploring deformed figures. His recent work reflects per...
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Arief Dhiyaurrahman