99 Ways To Enjoy Life

99 Ways To Enjoy Life


Adolescence is when a person is given a huge choice between enjoying youth and being lulled into a temporary comfort zone, which results in an increasingly chaotic future or moving forward, trying hard to get out of the comfort zone and achieve a bright future. This work shows a visual of someone curled up sleeping as a sign of laziness. At the same time, the rays of light are an opportunity that still exists to move towards a glorious future; the wall clock shows 09:09; besides being a sign of waking up late, the number 9 is the highest number, indicating There are many ways in which we can respond to this period of adolescence.

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YEAR: 2022


SIZE: 120x100cm


about the artist

Rusdan Ef

Rusydan Ef is from Banyuwangi, studying at ISI Surakarta. Influenced by various artists and peers, they define success as creating impactful, widely recognized work. Art has helped develop life skills, and they consistently experiment with techniques. Dream projects include painting for the national palace and owning a gallery. His latest art reflects personal regrets, urging respect for rules and time. Focused on impressionism, He aim to experiment more. Inspired by the quote: “Santri can...

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Rusdan Ef