Memory Of Dali

Memory Of Dali


I decided to embed my idol as the main object in this painting. His paintings are well-known across the world. I'm highly inspired by him. That's why, he's in this painting. He was a surrealist artist who was known internationally. I gave this painting a title "Memory of Dali". Dali used the quality of presence like a dream and a phantom that look mysterious and inexplicable, inspiring me to create a memory by combining two famous paintings by Salvador Dali: "The Melting Watch" (1954) and "The Burning Giraffe" (1937). For me, a memory is surreal because it's basically a wishful thinking and a past fantasy, which are unreal.

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YEAR: 2020


SIZE: 70x90cm


about the artist

Wahyu Simbrana

Wahyu Simbrana is a realist and naturalist artist based in Karangasem, Bali, who recently graduated from the Institute of Arts Indonesia (ISI), Denpasar. Long time ago, he was belittled by his art teacher in junior high school, saying that his skull painting wasn't a piece of art. The incident motivated Wahyu to keep enhancing his artistic abilities and to go beyond his limits. His paintings center on many things such as death and life. He's a huge fan of Salvador Dali, a well-known surrea...

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Wahyu Simbrana