Similarities in something often occur at the beginning of every event, just like a group of teenagers who have just entered a new realm of education, a new atmosphere, new friends, or a new environment. To become accustomed to and become more familiar with new things, an adaptation is needed. One of these adaptations is to match the predecessors or obey the applicable rules so they can be the same and not stand out and deviate from the rules. However, this similarity is either from awareness or simply following the excellent path that prevailed before encountering negative environmental deviations.
Rusdan Ef
Rusydan Ef is from Banyuwangi, studying at ISI Surakarta. Influenced by various artists and peers, they define success as creating impactful, widely recognized work. Art has helped develop life skills, and they consistently experiment with techniques. Dream projects include painting for the national palace and owning a gallery. His latest art reflects personal regrets, urging respect for rules and time. Focused on impressionism, He aim to experiment more. Inspired by the quote: “Santri can...