This artwork's narrative concept revolves around signifiers and signs, delving beyond mere analogies of visual symbols and their common interpretations. Instead, it explores the emergence of unique meanings derived from cues, biases, and myths embedded within our visual memories. These meanings may surface unexpectedly, triggered by prejudices, be it mystical musings or spiritual visions that appear to manifest due to biased inclinations. Subsequently, we process and interpret these receptions rationally through reasoning.
Chrisna Banyu
His name is Made Chandra Putra and originally from Bali. Chandra's artistic exploration encompasses a wide range of genres, as he remains receptive to various forms of artistic expression. While he used to be a realist painter, he has now embraced expressionism. Additionally, he has a particular affinity for creating watercolor paintings on paper. For instance, in his series "Bali's Magical" and "Punahnya Peradaban Alam" (Nature on the Brink of Extinction), he utilizes watercolor on paper ...