The Living Legends

The Living Legends


The saying "Elephants die leaving behind tusks, tigers die leaving behind stripes" expresses that people will be remembered for what they leave behind. To be reasonable, leave good things behind. Doing the best work and achieving it is not easy, but if you can make it happen, you will live forever.

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YEAR: 2019


SIZE: 70x90cm


about the artist

Andi Sules

Andi Sules was born in Yogyakarta, the artist draws inspiration from the region's rich cultural landscape. Influenced by surrealist and realist painters like Ivan Sagito and Dullah, he developed a passion for detailed, element-rich works. He defines success by public appreciation and the ability to support his life through art. Art has shaped his career, from freelance mural work to a professional role in interior design. Educated at ISI Yogyakarta, he continues to ex...

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Andi Sules