The current age of information sharing presents a dual nature akin to a double-edged sword. On the one hand, it facilitates convenient access to a wealth of information, but on the other, it can foster individualistic tendencies. In the past, entertainment options were comparatively limited. People would gather and engage in conversations, eagerly seeking interesting experiences, such as the immensely popular wayang performances. These shows attracted audiences of all ages, creating a shared sense of anticipation and delight among the young and the elderly.

about the artist
Made Chandra Putra
His name is Made Chandra Putra and originally from Bali. Chandra's artistic exploration encompasses a wide range of genres, as he remains receptive to various forms of artistic expression. While he used to be a realist painter, he has now embraced expressionism. Additionally, he has a particular affinity for creating watercolor paintings on paper. For instance, in his series "Bali's Magical" and "Punahnya Peradaban Alam" (Nature on the Brink of Extinction), he utilizes watercolor on paper to portray Balinese culture, nature, and the universe.
Also Made From
Made Chandra Putra