Staring At Peace Abyss
"Staring at Peace Abyss" can be interpreted as gazing into the abyss of tranquility. In the context of this painting, it depicts a scene where an individual (symbolized by a cat), chosen for its ability to provide comfort and calmness to humans, and based on research indicating that cats can absorb negative energy from their owners) is contemplating profound serenity, possibly involving a deep spiritual quest for inner peace. The term "abyss" often connotes something deep, mysterious, or boundless, creating an impression of profound reflection or a complex emotional journey.

Rizka Andalusia Sangadji
I’m Rizka Andalusia Sangadji and live in Jakarta-based artist whose work reflects the city’s vibrant energy and personal themes of unity, love, and peace. Inspired by Salvador Dali, Amanda Visell, and Popo Iskandar, I blend surrealism and abstract expression. Self-taught since 2021, I experiment with techniques like fluid painting to create a unique style. My goal is to inspire others and celebrate harmony through art, while continuously growing and pursuing milestone...
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Rizka Andalusia Sangadji