Information Overload
With the advancement of technology, access to information is no longer constrained by distance and time. However, humans often feel powerless in the face of overwhelming information, represented by a female figure trying to protect herself. The tattoo of an information logo on her shoulder appears beautiful, yet beneath it lies a sense of pain, much like information that sometimes deviates from the truth. The Dwarapala statue, wielding a mace, is presented as a symbol of spiritual protection when the truth of information begins to be neglected. The white space on the canvas serves as a space for reflection, a place to sort and select factual information to foster wisdom in life.

Galang Aji Pratama
My name is Galang Aji Pratama and I am an artist from Banyuwangi, East Java, inspired by its rich traditions and culture. Influenced by Basuki Abdullah and Liu Yuan Shou, my work combines naturalistic themes with expressive brushstrokes. My art explores human connections, nature, and spirituality, rooted in Javanese iconography and cultural philosophy. I aspire to create meaningful works, inspire others, and host a multi-generational exhibition in my hometown.
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Galang Aji Pratama