Love And Like
In today's era, many young millionaires have emerged, successfully generating vast amounts of money from their YouTube channels. Their content is often low-quality, unclear, non-educational, or simply showcasing their wealth. Strangely, this type of content is what viewers enjoy and seek out, raising a significant question for us. Are people becoming tired of social issues, or does our society's education level need to be improved?

Angga Sukma Permana
Angga Sukma Permana was born in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, was not exposed to visual arts until college, despite growing up in a culturally rich area. He is inspired by Anselm Kiefer’s experimental approach. Art sharpens his critical thinking, and he continuously hones his skills through practice. His dream is to participate in the Venice Biennale. His best piece, Lahirnya Sang Pahlawan, combines seven burned artworks with a custom masterprint. He tackles social issues ...
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Angga Sukma Permana