Reversed Imagery
If translated, the Javanese term “wolak-walik” can probably be equated with the meaning of the word “swapped”, then the idea of this painting is a manifestation of my imagination if only I had constant awareness that I could talk to everything around me. No matter how silent they seem, they see every movement of my life. And that is the essence of everything created by Almighty God. Then, regarding the shape of rocks and clouds, the symbols I use in this work have no logical background in choosing ideas. Only a picture emerged in my mind of life’s two most fundamental qualities, namely hardness and softness, as well as constancy and change. And I think rocks and clouds can represent that. But I thought, “What if they switched places?” The clouds that travel later are the ones that fly in the air.

Ari Wuryanto
Born in Karangpandan, Karanganyar, Central Java, Ari Wuryanto draws inspiration from rural life and Javanese culture, blending it with Western perspectives. Influenced by surrealist I Gusti Nengah Nurata, he defines success as creating meaningful art while sustaining a livelihood and impacting the art world. Grounded in a settled artistic style, his themes reflect soul-searching and human conflict. He views galleries as key to reaching wider audiences and sees creativity as essential in na...
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Ari Wuryanto