The word "hysteria" is associated with a mental illness. In the context of this painting, I coin and associate "hysteria" with a psychological impact and behavior. The causes of these are the events that have happened to people for a long time. This painting depicts the citizens having to cope with the virus, resulting in many lost lives and paralyzing some parts of life, worsening the psychology.

Gede Budayana
I Wayan Gede Budayana is an artist from Banjar Mukti, Desa Singapadu, Gianyar, Bali. Besides painting, he spends his time teaching at a design school in Denpasar and carving wooden masks. As a lecturer, he loves imparting his knowledge to aspiring young artists because they always come up with new ideas. This makes Budayana stay motivated in artmaking and learning. Budayana is greatly influenced by the Balinese culture and some traditional Balinese artists. However, h...
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Gede Budayana