Awakened #2
One’s attitude can impact society. Humans have senses that play an essential role in behaving in society. To prevent misunderstanding when giving opinions and to prevent conflicts. In this context, we could relate it to the life of fish in the ocean. When they don’t behave, a disaster will come upon them caused by carelessness.
Sangging Adi
I Kadek Sangging Adi is a contemporary artist from Payangan, Gianyar, Bali. He makes traditional paintings and is a graduate of the Indonesian Institute of the Arts (ISI), Denpasar. As an artist, he is incredibly influenced by Chusin Setiadikara, an Indonesian artist. Kadek finds his idol's artwork inspiring in terms of techniques and compositions. It is as they have their own characteristics for Kadek. Kadek's hometown is known for its ceremonial, artistic, and tradi...