Hope is the trust or belief in something desired for the future, stemming from efforts that are expected to yield positive outcomes. Although abstract, hope serves as the foundation of the spirit to strive for the best. When nature becomes the anchor of hope (an investment) for the sustainability of life in the future, it fosters a spirit to protect and nurture it, ensuring that hope can be realized into reality.
Andi Sules
Andi Sules was born in Yogyakarta, the artist draws inspiration from the region's rich cultural landscape. Influenced by surrealist and realist painters like Ivan Sagito and Dullah, he developed a passion for detailed, element-rich works. He defines success by public appreciation and the ability to support his life through art. Art has shaped his career, from freelance mural work to a professional role in interior design. Educated at ISI Yogyakarta, he continues to ex...