Game "Off-On"

Game "Off-On"


In the 1980s-90s, gaming was a luxury only a handful of wealthy kids could enjoy. By the 2000s, gaming became a problem for the education world due to the high number of children addicted to games, even leading to school dropouts. However, the rise of ESports has brought a new chapter for young people who are genuinely focused on this field, from game programmers to gamers. It's a profession that might seem strange and irrational to many, even today.

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YEAR: 2023


SIZE: 100x150 CM


about the artist

Angga Sukma Permana

Angga Sukma Permana was born in Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta, was not exposed to visual arts until college, despite growing up in a culturally rich area. He is inspired by Anselm Kiefer’s experimental approach. Art sharpens his critical thinking, and he continuously hones his skills through practice. His dream is to participate in the Venice Biennale. His best piece, Lahirnya Sang Pahlawan, combines seven burned artworks with a custom masterprint. He tackles social issues ...

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Angga Sukma Permana